Founded in 1853, the Travis County Medical Society continues to serve its physician members and their patients.

1951: TCMS founded We Are Blood, the exclusive non-profit provider of therapeutic blood components and services. Today We Are Blood serves health care facilities all over Central Texas.

1955: The Society created a physician answering service that today operates as TAS United Medical Exchange with numerous call centers and industries served.

1963: TCMS played a major role in the distribution of the polio vaccine in Travis County.
1972: The Society established a non-profit foundation that operated GME programs until 1998 when the sponsorship was transferred to Seton. The programs are currently run by Dell Medical School.

1990: TCMS launches the Retired Physicians’ Organization (RPO). This group meets for meals, socials, and topical programs.

1998: TCMS partners with the Austin School District to provide free physicals to underprivileged students so they may participate in sports, cheer and marching band.

2002: TCMS Foundation launched Project Access, a coordinated system of volunteer physician care, hospital care, medications assistance and diagnostic services for low-income, uninsured residents of Travis County.

2003: Tort Reform Liability Protections passed in Texas largely due to aggressive TMA and TCMS advocacy on behalf of physicians. When the law took effect in 2003, patient damages and suffering were limited to $250K.

2003: First Tuesdays at the Capitol is launched by the Texas Medical Alliance, organizing “white coat invasions” of the Texas Capitol during legislative years. Participants meet with legislators to emphasize medicine’s position on specific bills.

2017: TCMS launches the Physician Wellness Program, offering physicians and their partners anonymous, free sessions with vetted psychologists to combat rising burn-out and suicide rates.

2020: During the COVID pandemic, physicians experienced an unseen shortage of PPE. With donation drives and working with the state of Texas, TCMS was able to distribute 4 million items to the physicians of Central Texas.

2022: TCMS forms a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to foster education, awareness, and actionable information for members interested in ensuring health equity for their patients and in the workforce.