Please forward suggestions/additions for this list to
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Course
Finding Meaning in Medicine
Virtual Meeting
Finding Meaning in Medicine (FMM) is a small group program developed by physician wellness pioneer Rachel Remen over 20 years ago, with over 100 groups meeting in medical schools and practice communities throughout the world. The program explores our connection to the river of meaning that is often hidden from us in our day-to-day work, connecting us in new ways with our patients, our colleagues, the lineage of medicine and healing, and our own calling to medicine, while enjoying the company of colleagues in an informal setting.
New: This fall the PWP group will join the FMM group at Dell Medical School, led by
Drs. Craig Hurwitz, Carrie Barron and Luann Wilkerson.
Time of meetings is: 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:00-6:45 via zoom
For more information contact Dr. Hurwitz at
Balint Group
Authentic connection has been a life saver during this pandemic, especially connecting with other folks who do the emotionally difficult work of practicing medicine. One impactful technique has been attending a Balint group.
PWP is proud to offer a Balint Group to TCMS members this fall. Led by Palliative Care specialist, Dr. Michelle Owens, this small group offering is forming up now for a fall cohort.
What is a Balint Group?
A Balint group meets regularly and presents clinical cases in order to better understand the physician-patient relationship. The work we do is medically, emotionally and psychologically complex. These facilitated discussions uncover new and different perceptions about our work.
You can view this short 2-minute video for additional information regarding Balint groups from the American Balint Society.
Balint participants are honest, respectful and supportive of different viewpoints. It is a safe space and the content of the group is confidential. Group size is limited to 8-12 participants to meet monthly for about eight months. Participation is free.
For more information, email Dr. Owens at
Caduceus Group
Tuesday evenings
6:00 pm
Zoom Video Conference
Weekly AA meeting for physicians. For details contact Belinda Clare 512-206-1250.