Being a physician isn’t easy—and neither is asking for help
Physician’s lives are full of challenges – from the stresses of caring for our patients, to negotiating
the business of
medicine, regulations and technology, to successfully integrating our professional
lives with our personal lives
so that time with family, friends and relaxation is fulfilling and enriching.
When life becomes difficult, the TCMS Physician Wellness Program’s Safe Harbor Counseling. Program is available for confidential, non-reportable help. The program offers counseling sessions conducted by professional, TCMS vetted therapists, including doctorate level counselors, experienced in working with physicians and their loved ones.
Help is not limited to professional “burnout.” It is available for any problem that affects your happiness as well as your ability to provide great care for your patients.
The Physician Wellness Program Safe Harbor Counseling Program is a project of the Travis County Medical Society Foundation.
The program facilitates physicians and their spouses having access to counseling through the PWP therapist of their choice.
Therapists available through this program have an independent contractor relationship with the Travis County Medical Society Foundation.

Whatever the issue—this program is your safe
Nothing is reported, no
diagnosis made, no insurance billed.
Wellness program sessions do not require reporting to the Texas
Medical Board or credentialing entities.